Dynames Productions

A blog to showcase my creative and technical work. Talk about what I like to talk about.

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Importance of Data Security & Encryption – List

Hello dear readers, it has been a while since I posted an article on here. But having temporarily finished work on something relating to data security, I figured I would write an article on the topic.

Recently I finished working on the base version of a personal project I took up that deals in data encryption. Descriptions about that project can be found here. Working on this project required quite a lot of research on my part in terms of hashing, encryption and some other aspects of the programming language I chose to use. As a part of my research, it became even more clear just how important data security is.

I am going to recount a personal experience of mine as to what got me into this data encryption project of mine. Sometime in January 2018, I was looking for one of my USBs (one that I tend to use a lot) and could not find it. It worried me a little as I very rarely lose things. I recounted my steps to every location I could think of having been to, and searched for the USB with no success. Ironically enough, I had nearly given up on it, but then I stumbled upon it in a very well hidden pocket of my bag (which I had put it in there myself). I kept it in that pocket to ensure its not as easily discovered, and I myself could not find it…that pocket worked out well I would say.

laughing-t11665Jokes aside though, it made me think about what if I had REALLY lost the USB and it contained sensitive data on it. Someone could easily pick it up, attach it to a computer and browse it’s contents out of curiosity perhaps. That gave me the motivation to work on the encryption project (details about the project can be found here).


With story time out of the way, let’s discuss why data security is important to consider:

    1. We live in a very digital world, everything we do is connected in some shape or form. With the benefits it brings, it also brings downsides. Cyberspace can be a very vulnerable place.
    2. Cyber warfare is a very real thing. It has been happening for years. But even to just the general public, there are so many ways harm can come to them. For example, malware, adware or spyware products that could plant a back door into your computer to feed information to an outside listener.
    3. Today’s world is data driven. Almost everything is digitized, at least in the Western sphere. The phrase “money is power” can easily apply to data as well. Data is power. Any sensitive data about you falling into the wrong hands could bring harm to you.

Do you have more reasons you want to share? Please do so!

Reasons to consider encryption:

  1. When implemented properly, it can be a very STRONG defense mechanism against any prying eyes.
  2. It’s an added layer of security on top of your anti-virus or any other security software on your computer.
  3. Encryption has been a proven technique of security for centuries. That does not mean that encryption cannot be cracked, DES for example was cracked all the way back into the 1980’s (perhaps even earlier). Currently AES-256 bit is a good algorithm to use, RSA seems to be the best according to my research, but slow. Although AES-256 can be cracked as well, but the resources required are immense.
  4. In the case of businesses, it helps to maintain public trust. No client would want to give their information to a business if they know that their data would be vulnerable.
  5. Even if files were to be taken off a computer, as long as they are encrypted, they are useless without the encryption key to decrypt them with in most cases.
  6. Encryption for data traveling over the network ensures that any network packets intercepted mid-way would end up essentially being useless to any malicious entity doing reconnaissance or data interception.

Do you have any more reasons you want to share? Please do so!

That’s my quick piece on data security and encryption. I realize there are many articles about this very topic out on the vast land of the internet, but I hope that you were able to learn something along the way perhaps or even have something new to ponder about.

Until next time!

~ Monty


USB Security – C#

Note: This application is currently on version 1.0
Note 2: Result blog posts on actually hacking the application can be found at the end. There will be link(s) leading to each and every one of them.

Changes made to newest version (Log):

N/A – Program is on version 1 (Base program).

Application Information:

  • Name: USB Security (Temporary name for now)
  • Coded in: C#
  • Development Environment: Visual Studio 2010 (temporarily was also done in 2017)
  • For the following platform(s): Windows

Purpose of the Application:

The purpose of this application is to be lightweight and provide security for any sensitive data that users may put on their storage devices. This is ideal for USBs as that was the intended target, but it can be used with both internal and external HDDs and SSDs.

This console application will allow users to encrypt and decrypt data. It makes use of Rijndael encryption scheme. While encryption is done without any requirements from the user, to decrypt data, a password will be required. If the user fails to provide the correct password 3 times, then the data within the encrypted directory is wiped clean. Password is hashed and stored.

At the moment, the following file formats have been successfully tested with it: GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, DOC, DOCX, PDF, RTF, TXT, MP3 and MP4.

Program Functionality:

Step 1: When you open the application, you will be met by the following prompt…


The user will put in the drive letter of where the ‘data’ folder is stored. That location also stores the various important files needed for the successful operation of the program.

Step 2: After a drive letter is inputted, the program does a check for a password file and data directory…


If successful, the user can simply move on to the main menu screen. Otherwise, the program will automatically create the data directory, and ask the user to create a password they can remember.

Step 3: User is given main menu options…


Encryption – ‘E’:

Below is an image of the sole file within the data directory. Take note of the timestamp on the directory, as well as the sole file within that directory. The contents are also shown for reference and comparison for when it is encrypted.


Encryption takes place by calling to various functions within the code, that then do the following:

  • Open the file to encrypt.
  • Put it into a buffer stream.
  • Open an encryption stream using Rijndael encryption scheme.
  • What happens under the hood with the encryption scheme (useful link provided in the resources section):
    • Does a sub-byte operation: Takes the contents of the file in bits and through a 16 by 16 matrix table, that contains various hex values, it replaces the original hex values with the new ones.
    • Shifts rows: Think of the hex data of the file in a matrix. So it shifts the hex values over in the various rows. First row maybe left unaffected, second one will see a shift by 1, the one after that will see as shift by 2 and it will only increment.
    • Mix Columns: This step in the encryption works by applying a modulo operation to each individual column in the data matrix. There is a randomized matrix that is used for the operation against the various columns of the data matrix.
    • Add a round key: The algorithm takes an equally large matrix of round key values that are then added to the data matrix and produce new values in the place of the old ones.
    • Note: There are a total of 10 rounds that happen behind the scenes of this process. But on the tenth round, the mix column procedure does not take place.


The data is now encrypted and has been put into a new directory named “encryptDataDir” to let the user know to not delete the content in there. Because if they did, then all data will be lost!

Please take note of the timestamps and the now encrypted content of the text file.


Decryption – ‘D’:

When the user wants to decrypt, they are given 3 tries to input the correct password. After those 3 tries are up, the encrypted directory is deleted and any data associated in there is wiped.


Should they input the correct password, here is the screen they will see next where the actual decryption takes place…


Take note of the timestamps and the file content. While the time stamp has changed as it is a file operation we are executing, the contents of the file are back as they once were. Management of the timestamps happens at a system level versus user level. Meaning the normal user has no control over it, and Windows as a OS tends to keep users out of such control.


Help Screen:


Program Information Screen:


Exit – ‘X’:

To exit, the user will simply type ‘x’. At the moment, the application does not automatically encrypt the data directory before quitting as I have defined it in the project scope, but that is an easy fix. That is something I plan to leave for in the future when I make more improvements to the program. Right now, it simply gives a message and then lets the user exit by pressing the enter key.



This was a good little project that spurned from a practical need. What caused this idea to come about was when I thought I had once lost my USB. It made me wonder, what if I had sensitive data on there and someone else got a hold of it?

It made me also realize just how in-depth the world of encryption is. Of course I don’t know its true depth as encryption has been around for centuries. But one thing I can say with certainty is that if you have the option to use these pre-designed encryption algorithms, use them. Don’t try to fix what ain’t broke. I have in my research online during this project seen some messy  and very confusing code in which people try to create or modify existing encryption algorithms from scratch. It’s not an easy task, nor is it a viable task from a business perspective if you work on a time limit.

One thing to keep in mind, from Windows 7 and up, Microsoft has included an encryption method for its users (BUT only on Professional/Enterprise versions of Windows). Linux has ways to encrypt its home directory as well. I’m confident of Ubuntu, however I can’t vouch for other flavors out there.

Overall, there is room for improvement and there are some things I would definitely like to change (or add on) as outlined in the next section. This was a good fun project.

Also for anyone wondering if I ever found that USB, yes. Now you will get a laugh out of this. I searched everywhere except for that one well hidden pocket in my bag which just so happened to have the USB…there were both feelings of relief and silliness :).

Future Changes planned for future versions:

  • Implement Salt Hashing as opposed to the simple Hashing it is using right now.
    • Salt Hashing makes it more difficult to crack a hash as it makes every hash unique.
  • Implement ways for the program to sweep through multiple levels of folders/directories as opposed to 1 level it has right now.
  • Implement a logging system to keep track of various activities:
    • When a password file is created (Date & Time).
    • When the data was encrypted (Date & Time).
    • When the data was decrypted (Date & Time).
  •  Implement a security ques/ans file:
    • Contains a security question and answer. User will get a pre-selected choice of options for questions, they must type the answer in.


Additional Material:

I thought to add this in as I was updating the future improvements list. Below is the flowchart you will find for the program as I was planning this out while working on the algorithm.


Hacking it


Red vs Blue Season 20 – Chapters List

RvB S20 cover page

Type: Fanfiction

Summary: Cradle of Hope fell, the terrorist threat ended and the BGC went back to a peaceful life within their canyon. But their actions have not gone unnoticed for now they will be thrust into the greatest challenge they have ever faced, an all out war. They will be forced to see the cruelties and trauma of war through which they must survive together. – Not an adaption of the show S20 –

Status: Completed

Chapters List:

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Red vs Blue Season 19 – Chapters List


Type: Fanfiction

Summary: With the bells of war ringing, the reds and the blues must now find a way to help Carolina and combat the threat of a terrorist army. In doing so, they go on to raise an army of unlikely heroes in this tale of unity and sacrifices. ~ Final entry in the ‘Cradle of Hope’ trilogy. Rated M for Mature. ~

Status: Completed

Chapters List:

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Red vs Blue Season 18 – Chapters List



Type: Fanfiction

Summary: Carolina now finds herself embroiled in a new conflict. One where she has a personal stake in, to destroy those who are responsible for the murders of many and her guilt. But will she be able to do this alone or require help from an army to bring an end to ‘Cradle of Hope’?

Status: Completed

Chapters List:



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Red vs Blue Season 17 – Chapters List


Type: Fanfiction

Summary: With the fall of the New Order, Carolina departed on her journey for growth. Now on her own in a world foreign to her, she walks through the different days in her life doing her best to enjoy what she has and the chance encounters she comes across. But at the same time under the peaceful veil of reality, there are always threats brewing.

Status: Completed

Chapters List:



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A Lucid Bus Journey

Got a little something different for a post today. Hope you enjoy reading! 🙂

Recently I had a lucid dream. In that dream I was at my most peaceful that I have been in days, weeks and perhaps even months. I will start by describing the dream in as much detail as I can.

The dream started with me being at a university, surrounded by my classmates asking questions of our professors, doing our work or chatting to one another. That particular bit of the dream is somewhat cloudy for me as that is not where the lucidness comes into play. This dream you see, it went from being a normal to a lucid dream.

It was when I was on a bus to go home, it was then the dream became a lucid dream. This bus essentially went across the city directly from the university to designated spots throughout the streets. I remember riding the bus with my head resting against the cool glass window. I was looking outside where I was met with a vibrant vermilion colored sky. Occasionally the sun would reveal itself from behind a few clouds to shine a direct glare my way, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest. Instead it made me smile from the warmth my skin felt.

It was during these happy feelings that the dream truly felt lucid. During this whole bus journey, I would look out the window and appreciate the different scenery that would be placed before my eyes. My smile would grow wider just sitting in that seat, relaxing, and enjoying the simplicity of the moment. At the same time I knew this was a dream because a music that I have come to fondly like and somewhat attributed to such moments was playing in the background like it would in a movie.

The musical soundtrack is called: Goodbye by Nurko

Check it out, it is definitely a great song to listen to even if you are not into this type of music necessarily.

With “Goodbye” playing in the back and me sitting there and enjoying the moments, I felt at peace. This peace was something that somehow bled through to my waking reality. The inner peace this one lucid dream provided was profound for me. Lucid dreams never have had this sort of effect on me before to this extent. In my waking reality, I was at peace with my situation even if it is not the best on certain aspects of life right now.

My emotions seemed to be completely calmed and I felt no turbulence inside whatsoever. Although I imagine to others I would look indifferent. This effect has carried over for a few days after that until the effect wore off I suppose.

But at the heart of it all I found myself asking what the lucid dream meant for me as an individual? Is there something specific the dream was trying to tell me?

If the dream was meant to take the bus and symbolize it for something, there would have been no point in making it a lucid dream. The symbolism for the bus would come across just as well. But instead feelings of happiness and peace washed me over. Maybe this was my own sub-conscious telling me to take it easy with life, or it could have been telling me to go on a journey. What type of journey it would be I don’t know.

It could be a physical journey, or a metaphorical one focused on inner change. It could also perhaps be a combination of the two, changing my surroundings to better affect me as an individual. A journey not just in the city, but maybe somewhere rural, just sitting on the bus and watching the land, the sky and taking pleasure in those simple sights.

All I know is that through that dream, I felt more alive than I did ever before without even having the need to show emotions. My insides felt rejuvenated, and no regrets, just peace. The experience in itself was truly enlightening.

Lucid dreams and nightmares have a profound power to affect us, but I have come to learn that these affect us for a good reason perhaps. These dreams are the concoctions of our own mind, our own imagination grinding away to paint these detailed and immersive worlds for us to feel, breathe and transverse through in sort of a “meta-reality”. After all our dreams can show us things we would have never imagined to have seen and help us believe in them at the same time.

I don’t know the exact meaning behind this particular lucid dream, but I am glad to have taken that ride on the bus under the warmth sun rays in a calm cityscape.

~ Monty

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Red vs Blue Season 16 – Chapters List


Type: Fanfiction

Summary: With the Blood Gulch crew separated, they must adapt to their surroundings and explore the various horrors taking place. In this tale of hate, a war is about to take place that will consume all and leave nothing behind unless it can be stopped.

Status: Completed

Chapters List:



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Red vs Blue Season 15 – Chapters List

Red_vs_Blue_S15Type: Fanfiction

Summary: With Tucker gone and the Blood Gulch crew left to take action on their new mission, they all ponder the new threat that is to come. In the far off reaches of space however, the threat is brewing stronger by the second. What will become of Locus and Tucker in a constant struggle of ideologies?

Status: Completed

Chapters List:



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Red vs Blue Season 14 – Chapters List

Red_vs_Blue_S14Type: Fanfiction

Summary: The Chorus fight is finally over, but at a huge cost. Now the Blood Gulch crew must finally return home, but can they ever find a way to move on from the losses they incurred? Maybe they won’t have much of a choice in the matter as a new threat looms over the horizon.

Status: Completed

Chapters List: